Formula Box Command Options
Command Specifications
 - only one command per line
 - a command is the only thing that can be on a line, ie if the line starts with a [, it must end with a ]
 - comment lines will begin with # (only applicable in gcs files)
 - parameters that contain a colon ':' must be surrounded by quotes "".  Eg. [Xmax="frand(2:5)"]
 - commands will be enclosed in square brackets [ ]
 - syntax for command:  [command=param 1:param 2:param 3: … :param n]
 For polar mode, replace x's and y's with t's and r's respectively
Please see the additional help files on the use of While and If statements
Category Command Command Description Valid Input (1 parameter per line) Required Parameter Description
  Print displays the print dialog box based on the parameter none  
  Save saves the current settings in the current settings file none saves settings
  SaveAs saves the current settings to the file listed in the parameter any valid file name YES file name to save settings to
  LoadSettings loads the settings from the specified parameter any valid file name YES file name of settings to load
  SaveOutput saves the output window to an rtf file any valid file name YES file name to save output to
  Sound turns the sound effects on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  DetailedOutput turns detailed output on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  SaveSettingsExit sets whether or not you want your settings saved when you exit GraphCalc 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  SettingsFile changes the file settings are saved to any valid file name YES name of the file you want settings to be saved to
  StartupScriptOn turns the startup script feature on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  StartupScriptFile changes the startup script any valid file name YES name of the file you want to be yoru startup script
  SaveExpressionHistory sets whether or not you want the expression history saved when you exit GraphCalc and loaded when GraphCalc restarts 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  SaveOutputWindow sets whether or not you want the output history saved when you exit GraphCalc and loaded when GraphCalc restarts 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  ShowCommandErrors sets whether or not you want command errors to be displayed 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  NumberSeperator turns the number seperator on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  NumberSeperatorChar sets the number seperator used in the output formatting any character YES  
  NumberSeperatorFreq sets the frequency of the number seperator 1 <= x <= 10 YES  
  DecimalSeperator turns the decimal seperator on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  DecimalSeperatorChar sets the decimal; seperator used in the output formatting any character YES  
  DecimalSeperatorFreq sets the frequency of the decimal seperator 1 <= x <= 10 YES  
  DecimalPlaces sets the number of decimal places to display answers in depends on base YES  
  Float turns float on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  AngleUnit specifies the angle unit rad, deg YES radians, degrees
  Scientific turns scientific mode on or off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  IntlMode turns international mode on or off us, euro YES  
  Base sets the base GraphCalc runs in 2 <= x <= 36 YES  
  Palette changes the pallette to the one specified in the parameter probability, math, test, stats, hex, none YES  
  Tooltips turns tooltips on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  Tab changes the view to the tab specified in the parameter output, graph YES possible parameters are as follows
  - output (output window)
  - graph (first 2D graph tab)
  - 2d graph tab name (name of 2D graph tab to switch to)
  - 3dgraph
  AlwaysOnTop keeps GraphCalc as the top-most window 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  FullWindow displays the tabs in full window 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  ClearCharacter clears the character just to the left of the cursor in the expression box none  
  ClearExpression clears the expression box none  
  ClearOutput clears the output window none  
  ClearHistory clears the expression history none  
  ClearGraph turns off all the equations on the currently active graph tab (2D or 3D) none  
  ClearAll the same as calling ClearExpression, ClearOutput, ClearHistory, and ClearGraph all at once none  
  Help displays the help files none  
  About displays the about box none  
  RunScript runs a script any valid file name YES the path and file name of the script you would like to run
  Comment echos the comment to the output window string YES the text you want printed to the output window
  Solve solves the expression for the given variable expression
expression to evaluate
initial guess
variable to solve for
  Message displays a dialog with the given message any string YES  
  DispVal displays a value and message any valid expression
  PromptVal prompt the user to enter a value valid variable name
variable to be set
message describing the value to be set
  ExitScript stops execution of the script none  
2D Graph Specific
  2DGraphMode sets the graph mode euclidean, polar YES  
  2DEq sets the equation 1 <= x <= 10
any valid expression
equation number
equation string
  2DEqOn turns the specified equation on or off 1 <= x <= 10
1 or on, 0 or off
equation number
turn equation on or off
  2DEqColor changes the color of the specified equation 1 <= x <= 10
equation number
color of equation
  2DEqAllOn turns all equations on or off 1 or on, 0 or off turn equation on or off
  2DEqAllEmpty emptys all the equations and turns them off none  
Range & Precision        
  2DXmin sets xmin v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DXmax sets xmax v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DXint sets the x interval at which to plot grid lines v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DYmin sets ymin v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DYmax sets ymax v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DYint sets the y interval at which to plot grid lines v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DAreaPrecision sets the number of decimal places of precision to calculate an area to 1 <= x <= 10 YES  
  2DFixedGrid Xint and Yint will not change when the graph is zoomed in or out if this is on 1 or yes. 0 or no YES  
  2DPolarGridAngle sets the angle interval at which to plot grid lines 0 < x < 2*pi YES  
  2DPolarGridSpace sets the spacing of the circular grid lines 0 < x <= v. large YES  
  2DPolarThetaMin sets the minimum angle at which to start plotting a polar function v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DPolarThetaMax sets the maximum angle at which to start plotting a polar function v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DPolarThetaStep sets the interval size at which to calculate a polar equation 0.00000001 <= x <= 10000000 YES  
  2DPolarXmin sets xmin for the polar graph view v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DPolarXmax sets xmax for the polar graph view v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DPolarYmin sets ymin for the polar graph view v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DPolarYmax sets ymax for the polar graph view v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  2DBackgroundColor sets the background color color YES  
  2DAxisColor sets the axes color color YES  
  2DGridColor sets the grid color color YES  
  2DCoordinatesColor sets the coordinates color color YES  
  2DOtherTextColor sets the color of all other text on the graph color YES  
  2DAreaColor sets the shading color for an area color YES  
  2DLabels turns the labels on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  2DAxis turns the axis on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  2DGrid turns the grid on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  2DCoordinatesPos turns the cursor cordinate position on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  2DAxisSize size of axis lines 1 <= x <= 50 YES  
  2DGridSize size of grid lines 1 <= x <= 50 YES  
  2DLineSize size of equation lines 1 <= x <= 50 YES  
  2DZoomDecimalPrec delta-x of 1 pixel when zoom decimal is selected x > 0 YES  
  2DPlotStyle sets the plotting style dot, line YES  
  2DLineResolution percent of pixels to plot 1 <= x <= 100 YES  
  2DZoomFactor percent to zoom 100 <= x <= 1000 YES  
  2DFontSize size of text on graph 6 <= size <= 24 YES  
Menu Commands        
  2DCopyGraph copies graph to clipboard none  
  2DZoomOutX zooms out on the x axis none  
  2DZoomOutY zooms out on the y axis none  
  2DZoomOutXY zooms out on the x and y axis none  
  2DZoomInX zooms in on the x axis none  
  2DZoomInY zooms in on the y axis none  
  2DZoomInXY zooms in on the x and y axis none  
  2DZoomStandard zooms standard none  
  2DZoomDecimalPrec zooms to decimal precision none  
  2DZoomTrig zooms to trig precision none  
  2DZoomInteger zooms to integer precision none  
  2DZoomFit zoom fit none  
  2DPreviousRange sets the previous range none  
  2DTrace turns trace on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  2DFIndAreaOff turns the area off and removes it from the graph none  
  2DFindArea finds the area of the specifed range and equations, displays it on the graph, and returns the output to the otuput window

if the eq2 is left off, the area under eq1 will be calculated
v. small <= x <= x max
x min <= x <= v. large
1 <= x <= 10
1 <= x <= 10
x min
x max
  2DEvaluate evaluates equation and returns output to the output window 1 <= x <= 10
v. small <= x <= v. large
  2DTangentLine draws a tangent line at point x on eq 1 <= x <= 10
v. small <= x <= v. large
  2DClearTangentLines clears all drawn tangent lines none YES  
  2DDistanceOff turns off the distance line and removes it from the graph none  
  2DDistance finds the distance between 2 points

x1 is on eq1 and x2 is on eq2
if eq2 is left off x2 will also be on eq1
v. small <= x <= x max
x min <= x <= v. large
1 <= x <= 10
1 <= x <= 10
  2DAddGraphTab adds a graph tab none YES  
  2DRenameTab renames the current graph tab any text string YES  
  3DDyDx calculates the slope of the equation at the specified point 1 <= x <= 10
v. small <= x <= v. large
  2DRemoveGraphTab removes specified graph tab or current one if parameter is left off tab name NO  
  2DSaveBitmap saves the graph to a bitmap file any valid file name YES the path and file name where you want to save the bitmap to
  2DEqIntersection calculates the x and y values of the intersection of the 2 equations 1 <= eq1 <= 10
1 <= eq2 <= 10
v. small <= x <= v. large
equation 1
equation 2
initial guess
  2DXIntercept calculates the intersection of the equation with the y axis 1 <= x <= 10
v. small <= x <= v. large
initial guess
  2DYIntercept calculates the intersection of the equation with the y axis 1 <= x <= 10 YES equation
  2DStationaryPoint finds a stationary point, if any, on the equation in the given range 1 <= eq1 <= 10
v. small <= min < max
min < x <= v. large
3D Graph Specific
  3DBackgroundColor sets the background color color YES  
  3DEvaluate evaluates equation and returns output to the output window 1 <= x <= 6
v. small <= x <= v. large
v. small <= y <= v. large
Wireframe and Axes Options        
  3DWireResolution sets the resolution of wires rendered on an equation depends on the x and y intervals YES must be greater than or equal to the smaller of Xintervals and Yintervals
  3DGridLineWidth specifies the thickness of the grid lines 1 <= x <= 20 YES  
  3DAxesOn turns the axis on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  3DAxesLabelsOn turns the axes labels on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  3DXAxisColor sets the x axis color color YES  
  3DYAxisColor sets the y axis color color YES  
  3DZAxisColor sets the z axis color color YES  
  3DXAxisOrigin axes offset along x-axis v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  3DYAxisOrigin axes offset along y-axis v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  3DZAxisOrigin axes offset along z-axis v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
Tick Marks        
  3DTickMarksOn turns the tickmarks on and off 1 or on, 0 or off YES  
  3DCustomTickColor sets whether or not you want to use custom tick mark colors or the colors of the axes 1 or yes. 0 or no YES  
  3DXTickInterval sets the x tickmark interval 1e-006 <= x <= 10000000000 YES  
  3DYTickInterval sets the y tickmark interval 1e-006 <= x <= 10000000000 YES  
  3DZTickInterval sets the z tickmark interval 1e-006 <= x <= 10000000000 YES  
  3DXTickColor sets the color of the x-axis ticks color YES  
  3DYTickColor sets the color of the y-axis ticks color YES  
  3DZTickColor sets the color of the z-axis ticks color YES  
  3DTickWidth sets the width of the tick marks 1 <= x <= 50 YES  
  3DTickLength sets the length of the tick marks 1e-004 <= x <= 1000 YES  
Range & Precision        
  3DXintervals sets the number of intervals along x axis 1 <= x <= 1000 YES  
  3DYintervals sets the number of intervals along y axis 1 <= x <= 1000 YES  
  3DXmin sets xmin v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  3DXmax sets xmax v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  3DYmin sets ymin v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  3DYmax sets ymax v. small <= x <= v. large YES  
  3DGraphMode set the graph mode euclidean, polar YES  
  3DEq sets the specified equation 1 <= x <= 6
any text string
equation number
equation string
  3DEqWireMode sets the wire mode 1 <= x <= 6
equation number
wire mode
  3DEqShadeMode sets the color shading model 1 <= x <= 6
xypos or elevation
equation number
shading mode
  3DEqColorXmaxYmax sets the xmax ymax color 1 <= x <= 6
equation number
equation color
  3DEqColorXmaxYmin sets the xmax ymin color 1 <= x <= 6
equation number
equation color
  3DEqColorXminYmin sets the xmin ymin color 1 <= x <= 6
equation number
equation color
  3DEqColorXminYmax sets the xmin ymax color 1 <= x <= 6
equation number
equation color
  3DEqOn turns the specified equation on or off 1 <= x <= 6
1 or on, 0 or off
equation number
on or off
  3DEqAllOn turns all equations on or off 1 or on, 0 or off turn equation on or off
  3DEqAllEmpty emptys all the equations and turns them off none  
Menu Commands        
  3DRecomputeAll recomputes all the equations none  
  3DCopyGraph copies graph to clipboard none  
  3DReCenterView recenters the graph view none  
  3DSaveBitmap saves the graph to a bitmap file any valid file name YES the path and file name where you want to save the bitmap to
  3DExportDXF saves the currently displayed graphs to a DXF file any valid file name YES the path and file name where you want to save the export
View Commands        
  3DRotateXIncrease rotates the view about the x axis 1 <= x <= 360 NO degrees to rotate by
default is 1 degree
  3DRotateXDecrease rotates the view about the x axis 1 <= x <= 360 NO degrees to rotate by
default is 1 degree
  3DRotateYIncrease rotates the view about the y axis 1 <= x <= 360 NO degrees to rotate by
default is 1 degree
  3DRotateYDecrease rotates the view about the y axis 1 <= x <= 360 NO degrees to rotate by
default is 1 degree
  3DRotateZIncrease rotates the view about the z axis 1 <= x <= 360 NO degrees to rotate by
default is 1 degree
  3DRotateZDecrease rotates the view about the z axis 1 <= x <= 360 NO degrees to rotate by
default is 1 degree
  3DZoomIn zoom in none  
  3DZoomOut zoom out none  
  3DAutoRotate toggle the state of auto rotating for all axis none  
  3DAutoRotateX toggle the state of auto rotating none  
  3DAutoRotateY toggle the state of auto rotating none  
  3DAutoRotateZ toggle the state of auto rotating none  
  3DAutoRotateIncreaseSpeed increase the autorotating speed none  
  3DAutoRotateDecreaseSpeed decrease the autorotating speed none    
Color Table
Dark Olive Green
Dark Green
Dark Teal
Dark Blue
Dark grey
Dark Red
Dark yellow
Light Orange
Sea Green
Light Blue
Bright Green
Light Grey
Light Yellow
Pale Green
Pale Turquoise
Pale Blue